Liz gave me one of my best Father's Day presents ever.
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Snippets of life and miscellaneous musings from our family
Around 4:00 this afternoon, I squatted down and felt a 'pop' and my knee slowly started swelling. Now, just 7 shorts hours later (4 after checking in at the ER), I'm told that I have a couple of tiny chips off my patella and possible ACL damage. Oh joy.
Maybe someone is trying to tell me something about riding a motorcycle.
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I was noticing that I couldn't fit all my vitamins, allergy pills and anti-inflammation pills in my daily pill dispenser and so I remarked to Fee...
"Honey, I think I'm going to have to get a bigger one."
"Oh really!?", she replied. "I didn't know you could order those."
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Deidre's last day of school has culminated in a mini-carnival and she's loving the jump room.
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I know that Mom will appreciate this the most, but Deidre treats this little pamphlet as THE authority on what are the most popular songs in the world.
We just spent the last half-hour listening to Emma perform her favorite songs from Joseph & The Technicolor Dreamcoat while we were on our evening walk.
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We're home and happy. Deidre has a diverticulum on her bladder and the doctor wants to remove it. But that's better than her having to catheterize herself daily for the rest of her life.
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I laid it down on my first day.
I'm going to really feel it tomorrow.
But at least I was wearing my helmet.
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I now own a 2003 Suzuki Intruder Volusia 805cc with 7600 original miles on it.
Now I just need to learn how to ride it.
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A conversation from five minutes ago:
Fiona: "So Meredith told me today that Deidre exited the house through the window with no screen. I was a little worried that she meant the one in Deidre's room (2nd floor), but she assured me it was the one in the Great Room (1st floor)."
Deidre eventually appears.
Me: "Through what do we exit the house?"
Deidre: "Doors."
Me: "Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"
Deidre: "Yes."
Me: "No more going out the windows."
Deidre: "Yes Daddy."
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